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About Me


Hey there and welcome to MyFinanceMarathon!

I am currently 20 years old and serving national service. Next year, I will be matriculating to the National University of Singapore to further my studies.

My investment journey started in 2019 when I entered the army. During my free time, I would read up on investment books and blogs to learn more about personal finance and investment. The more I read, the more inspired I was to start my investment journey, which led to where I am now.


I was born in the year 2000 and grew up in a family of 4. Life was simple and while my family could get by day to day living, we do not have the luxury to enjoy life as we are constrained by our finances.

Growing up in this environment, I started to realize the importance of personal finance at an early age. I started with budgeting my pocket money and subsequently scour the internet to learn about investment. I hope with all these bits of knowledge, I could better manage my finances and also improve my family's life.

I wanted to share my background with you so to tell you that if I can do it, so can you.

Starting this blog

When I first started out investing, I do not know where to begin with. In this information age, we are flooded with information that could be overwhelming for a first-time investor wanting to learn how to invest. As such, I decided to start this blog to guide and share my investing experiences with you. Also, I would use this blog to document my journey while sharing cool hacks and tricks along the way. From this, I hope I would make personal finance and investing a thrilling journey for you.


  1. Hello!
    Chanced upon your blog from seedly.
    It is heartening to note that you are starting your investment journey young, and documenting and sharing your knowledge to help others.
    (when I was in the army xbox and football were my friends)
    Keep up the good work, and look forward to connecting personally with you.

    Happy Coach Yuantai

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! My passion for personal finance has deepened ever since I enlist into Army. I hope that by documenting my finance journey, others (especially those around my age) would be able to start taking charge of their personal finance.


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